Featured neighborhood Lakes of Rosehill, 77429

The Lakes of Rosehill neighborhood features nearly 400 homes ranging in square feet from 2,700 to 5,500.

Located in the northern portion of Cy-Fair ISD, residents have easy access to major thoroughfares, such as Cypress Rosehill Road, Hwy. 290 and the Grand Parkway.

The neighborhood also hosts monthly homeowner association meetings for all residents.

Average year built: 2001 Square footage: 2,766-5,599 Home values: $346,000-$616,000 HOA dues (estimated): $694

Property taxes (in dollars): Lone Star College System—0.12 Harris County—0.41 Cy-Fair ISD—1.45 Harris County Dept. of Education—0.01 Harris County Flood Control—0.03 Harris County Hospital District—0.17 Port of Houston Authority—0.02

Total (per $100 value)—2.21

Featured neighborhood: Lakes of Rosehill, 77429

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