In a collaboration with the city of Plano's Live Green in Plano initiative, Plano Solar Advocates launched a new program in February called Go Solar at Home. The project allows residents to research solar power more independently with the group's help as well as receive quotes from more than one service provider. The Solarize Plano project was launched in 2013, and has since helped educate hundreds of residents about energy consumption and the benefits of solar power.

"Like any type of major purchase, it's always good to get multiple quotes. We provide the mechanism to help [residents] do that," said Larry Howe of Plano Solar Advocates. "This is a good way to help further awareness and help the industry grow. It also helps consumers, most importantly."

Plano Solar Advocates is a grassroots group of volunteers whose mission is to increase awareness and use of solar energy for electricity generation in Plano. The group is available to speak to groups interested in learning about equipping a home for solar power. For information or to enroll in the education program, visit