A mosquito in Frisco has tested positive for West Nile Virus in Frisco in an area bordered by Coit Road, Rolater Road, Hillcrest Road and Canoe Road, according to the city's communications office.

The discovery is the first positive mosquito test this year by Frisco's third-party contractor. No human cases of WNV have been reported in Frisco.

However, as a result of the test, city crews are looking for areas that might pose a potential risk for mosquitoes and treating those areas with larvicides. The contractor will also be setting traps to determine whether the WNV risk includes spraying.

City officials are reminding residents of the precautionary steps from the Texas Department of State Health Services, known as the "Four D's:"

Drain all standing water;

Dress in light-colored, long-sleeve clothing when outdoors;

DeeT—use mosquito repellents that contain Deet; and

Dusk or dawn—avoid outdoor activities during the hours when mosquitoes are most active.