Colleyville moved ahead on its Glade Road improvement project despite resident protests this week.

The Colleyville City Council approved an engineering services agreement July 15 with TranSystems Inc. to design and develop formal plans for improvements on Glade Road from Bransford Road to Manning Drive.

Resident objections have become a recurring subject during public comment at City Council meetings, and the July 15 meeting included two resident protests from Judy Chappell and Elizabeth Zeitlin.

Both women said they were willing to work with the city on discussions about improvements to the road but oppose plans to construct trails. The central concern for a number of residents has been the loss of their property to trail and sidewalk construction.

The project approved July 15 includes features such as a roundabout at Bransford Road and Glade Road, a roundabout at Riverwalk Drive and Glade Road and a move to lower the road surface by 5 to 6 feet at Glade Road and Bluebonnet Drive to improve sightlines and eliminate stop signs at the intersection.

The City Council originally planned a broader scope for the Glade Road project, including four sections stretching form River Bend Drive to Heritage Avenue, but reduced the scope as a response to residents' opposition.

The project is expected to run somewhere in the neighborhood of $5.7 million as it is structured now, City Manager Jennifer Fadden said.

City Council members instructed TranSystems to work with property owners along the affected section of road to incorporate their feedback where feasible. The target for final designs is early 2015, and construction is expected that summer, according to a city news release.