Spring ISD and consulting firm School Executive Consulting Inc. continue to search for a new superintendent to replace former superintendent Ralph Draper, who retired Jan. 31 after nine years with the school district.
David Thompson, co-founder of School Executive Consulting, said the firm and district have been taking applications for the position since Feb. 26. Thompson said the firm sent out 150 letters to educational leaders around the nation looking for recommendations and continues to recruit potential candidates.
The firm is gathering data to develop a profile that fits the district's needs, Thompson said. Residents can email their ideas through Spring ISD's website, while the firm plans to meet with dozens of stakeholders in various focus groups April 16, including teachers, parents, local business leaders and perhaps students.
"We want to mix it up," he said. "At the end of the process, hopefully every one is committed to the same thing, which is for Spring ISD to be as successful as possible. So we want them to meet with each other."
Afterward, Thompson said, the firm will meet with the Spring ISD board of trustees that evening to relay the information, organize the notes and discuss the search process.
The deadline for applications is April 25, after which Thompson said the consultant will vet the candidates and perform background checks before a May 5 meeting in which the board will likely narrow the search to five or six candidates.
The board of trustees will then hold in-depth interviews with each candidate the week of May 12 to narrow the search to two candidates, Thompson said. The board will conduct more thorough interviews with each candidate the week of May 19, and it may name a finalist June 2.
However, Thompson said the board cannot officially hire the finalist until June 22. If hired, the new superintendent could begin work in July in time to become familiar with the district before the new school year begins in August.
"I always want people to recognize how much time and energy your board is putting into this process," Thompson said. "And at any point in the process, they [can] step back and take a little more time. If they want us to cast the net again, we will do that."
- Klein ISD 7200 Spring Cypress Road, Spring 832-249-4000, www.kleinisd.net
April 14
Board meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m.
- Spring ISD 16717 Ella Blvd., Houston 281-891-6000, www.springisd.org
May 13
Board meetings are usually held the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.
- Harris County Commissioners Court 1001 Preston St., Houston 713-755-5000, www.hctx.net
April 26, May 6
The court meets at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.