City council members approved an ordinance that will change trash pick-up and take effect sometime in early March.

Under the new program, so-called "green" waste will be picked up the first and third Wednesday of every month. "Bulk" and "yard" waste the second, fourth and – if necessary – fifth Wednesday.

Instead of recyclable material going to a landfill by accident, the program will clearly define where waste is going and when, officials said at the city council meeting Tuesday night.

Trash will still be collected every week, but items residents want to recycle won't end up in landfills twice a month, Mayor William D. Tate said.

There needs to be education for residents on the details of the new schedule, said councilman Mike Lease. "I think we can do it," he said of explaining to residents where their trash will go.

By lessening the city's carbon footprint, Lease said, "We're doing the right thing."

A survey was sent to roughly 2700 residents about the pilot program for the new trash pick-up and only about 200 responded, said Tate.

But that low response percentage is of little concern, he said. If residents were against a change in the program, they would have been more passionate, Tate said.

"Usually if you're mad, you vote against it," he said.

The ordinance was amended regarding a possible fifth Wednesday and was unanimously approved by the council.