
Build-out year: 1983–2002

Builders: D.R. Horton, David Weekley Homes, Newmark Homes and several custom homebuilders

Square footage: 2,172–5,234

Home values: $476,000–$735,000

HOA dues (estimated): $25–$500 annually

Amenities: Balcones Country Club

Nearby attractions: Pickfair and St. Edwards parks

Schools: Spicewood Elementary School, Canyon Vista Middle School and Westwood High School

Property taxes:

  • Austin Community College: 0.095100
  • City of Austin: 0.502900
  • Round Rock ISD: 1.380000
  • Travis County: 0.500100
  • Travis County Central Health: 0.078946
  • Total (per $100 value): 2.557046

Information provided by Patti Simon, Coldwell Banker United

512-913-4124, [email protected]