Actors, comedians, freestyle rappers, musicians and anyone with a with an expressive face, unique look or flair for storytelling living in Taylor is invited to a casting call for an upcoming Hollywood film.

Sarah Dowling Casting and Victoria Boone Casting, the companies behind "The Tree of Life," "Mud," "Scene from the Suburbs" and "The Girl" are looking for local talent for speaking and nonspeaking roles. All ages and ethnicities are welcome, especially men and women ages 50-75, men and women ages 25-35 and Latina grandmothers, a news release for the auditions said.

Auditions could include a short talk with a member of the casting crews and an interview on camera, and will take place Sept. 2 from 1–6 p.m. at the Mustang Creek County Club, 1102 Beech St. Bring a non-returnable photo of yourself. Interested individuals can call 365-8485 or contact [email protected].