The City of Shenandoah has released its proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2013 with general fund revenues projected at $8,527,153, and expenses at $8,341,692, as of the city board's budget workshop meeting in late July. The proposed budget projects a surplus of revenues over expenses of $185,461.

Shenandoah City Administrator Greg Smith said revenue numbers are expected to increase with expenses decreasing over last year's budget.

The hotel occupancy tax revenue is expected to increase from the current $396,237 to $514, 010 by 2013 due to an increase in the area's employment opportunities coming to The Woodlands, Shenandoah and surrounding areas.

The tax rate is projected to drop from 3.237 cents to 3.173 cents, which Smith attributed to an increase in property valuation within the city.

"We were able to lower the effective tax rate and we're just going to continue to operate the budget and the city in a good fiscal manner," Smith said.

He said the budget is scheduled to be approved by Aug. 22. Smith said a total of $597,082 has been saved in all funds and will go back into the city's revenue fund.