The gist
The approved general fund budget will have a $2.8 million shortfall, according to the city’s presentation. Tomball will use its fund balance—essentially the city’s savings account—to cover the shortfall. The fund balance is projected to sit at $26.7 million by the end of FY 2024-25.
The breakdown
According to the city’s presentation, key items in FY 2024-25 budget include:
- New personnel: 7.5 or full-time equivalent employees, in departments including human resources, police, fire and public works
- Cost of living adjustment and funding for merit raises
- Medical insurance increase included at 3.2% for city staff
- Addresses immediate capital needs identified in master plans
- $80,000 for heating, ventilation and air conditioning replacement city-wide
- $62,000 for outdoor speakers for The Depot
- $52,000 for an entry monuments consultant
- $40,000 for The Depot Christmas tree replacement
Quote of note
“I appreciate the involvement in this budget process,” City Manager David Esquivel said during the Sept. 3 meeting. “This is a complex budget. This is not a one-year look, this is a larger window we’re looking at, it’s because the project numbers that we're looking at are significantly larger. I think it's a great idea to continue the conversation, because it is a continual education for us as well for staff to absolutely understand the impacts and the needs.”