During its June 17 meeting, Tomball City Council approved rezoning 5.552 acres of land along Medical Complex Drive from agricultural to office following a request from the Tomball Regional Health Foundation, which is planning to use the tract for its new headquarters.
Diving in deeper
The Tomball Regional Health Foundation, which helps fund health and wellness initiatives in the community, is planning to build a 9,400-square-foot headquarters with amenities including a walking path, fitness station, sensory garden and pavilion, according to the June 17 agenda packet.
The TRHF originally requested the land to be rezoned to general retail, but council ultimately decided to rezone it to the office zoning district due to the uses allowed under the general retail zoning district.
“If you look at what [the TRHF] is planning on building, it’s an office,” council member Randy Parr said during the meeting. “Second, for general retail, it would open up [that land] to just about anything in the world should somewhere down the road [the TRHF] decide to sell the property.”
Learn more
View the June 17 agenda packet below.