Gosling Road bridge
As of Nov. 15, concrete pours were being completed on the new Gosling Road bridge, and the contractor was also completing wing walls, rail, metal beam guard fencing and slope paving, according to Montgomery County Precinct 3. The work is part of a 14- to 15-month project to widen Gosling Road to four lanes between Creekside Forest Drive and Gatewood Reserve Lane. The project is a joint effort between Montgomery County Precinct 3 and Harris County Precinct 3. he project will create two 12-foot lanes in each direction as well as the two additional lanes for a 1,817-foot bridge over Spring Creek. The project is the last budgeted project from the 2015 road bond. Officials said by mid-December the striping and traffic shifts should be complete.
Timeline: December 2021-early 2023
Cost: $8.2 million
Funding sources: Montgomery County Precinct 3, Harris County Precinct 3
Kuykendahl Road turn lane
The contracting company Teamwork will start work in December to add a right-turn lane from northbound Kuykendahl Road onto eastbound Research Forest Drive as well as extending the left-turn lane from northbound Kuykendahl Road onto westbound Research Forest Drive.
Timeline: December-TBD
Cost: $212,224
Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 3
Robinson Road alignment
Debris clearing has been completed for an Oak Ridge North project to align Hanna and Robinson roads, according to a Nov. 15 update from Montgomery County Precinct 3. The next step of the process will be utility relocation, which is expected to take several months, according to Precinct 3. The realignment project will go out for bids in fall 2023, and construction could start in November 2023, according to Precinct 3. The project is expected to take about one year to complete, officials said. The city of Oak Ridge North is managing the project, which includes $2 million in funding from Precinct 3, county officials said.
Timeline: fall 2023-late 2024
Cost: $6 million
Funding sources: city of Oak Ridge North, Montgomery County