Road construction to widen Rayford Road to four lanes between Waterbend Cove and Birnham Woods Drive was complete as of mid-January, according to Montgomery County Precinct 3. As of Feb. 1, the lanes under construction on Rayford and at the Rayford-Birnham Woods intersection were open. The traffic signal at the Rayford-Spring Trails Park Drive intersection was also scheduled to begin operation this week, and work on the signal poles at the Rayford and Birnham Woods intersection is also set to begin work. Some lane closures will continue during traffic signal work, according to a county news release. As part of the project, a new bridge for eastbound Rayford traffic east of Spring Trails Park was also constructed, and Birnham Woods was widened to four lanes north and south of Rayford with left-turn lanes.
Timeline: October 2020-early 2022
Cost: $2.88 million
Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 3