The Tuscany Woods neighborhood in Shenandoah, which began construction in 2008, is located just west of I-45 and sandwiched between Wellman Road and Research Forest Drive. Situated alongside The Woodlands, the neighborhood has access to local shopping and entertainment venues as well as public parks in Shenandoah, the W.G. Jones State Forest and other recreation facilities.

Median home value: $388,333 Homes on the market*: 6 Homes under contract*: 0 Median annual property taxes: $8,654.33 Median price per square foot: $131.07 Average days on the market*: 118 Amenities: area parks, baseball, softball, basketball, picnic areas, playgrounds, pool Schools: Lamar Elementary, Knox Junior High, College Park High School Property taxes (in dollars): 0.18 - Shenandoah 0.47 - Montgomery County 0.06 - Montgomery County Hospital District 0.11 - Lone Star College System 1.28 - Conroe ISD 2.10 - Total (per $100 valuation)

*As of 7/25/19 Neighborhood data provided by Haley Garcia Haley Garcia Group •