William Ferebee, the city attorney for Shenandoah, gave an update on the Tamina water and sewer project timeline during a City Council meeting Sept. 27. The project will extend city utilities to the community.

In a nutshell

Ferebee said the application between the city of Shenandoah and Old Tamina Water Supply Corporation for the transfer of the Certificate of Convenience and Necessity has been approved by an administrative law judge.

According to the Public Utility Commission of Texas, the CCN grants exclusive rights to the certificate holder to provide retail water or sewer utility services to a certain geographic area. Public Works Director Joseph Peart said the transferring of the CCN needs to be completed before construction of the project can start.

A public hearing still needs to be completed before the certificate is considered officially transferred. However, Ferebee said the process is approximately 60 days ahead of schedule.
  • The deadline for any party to request a hearing is Nov. 6.
  • If there is no hearing, the 120-day deadline for the sale of transfer is Dec. 20.
The background

The project, which requires the city of Shenandoah to build water and sewer facilities in Tamina, started in December 2022 with the signing of the official agreement. According to previous Community Impact coverage, the city is required to construct the facilities by Dec. 31, 2026. The project is funded with up to $21 million of American Rescue Plan Act funds.What's next

John Bleyl, the engineer of the project, said the next step includes finalizing the design of the water and sewer facilities. Construction is expected to start in summer 2024.

Editor's note: This story was updated to include the correct title of Joseph Peart.