1. 1st Choice Obstetrics and Gynecology
920 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 400, Shenandoah 281-882-8050 www.1stchoiceobgyn.com
Obstetrics and Gynecology Shelby L. Hampton Tracy L. Turner
2. Advanced Internal Medicine
17450 St. Lukes Way, Ste. 250, The Woodlands 281-836-3627 www.texasinternalmedicine.com
Internal Medicine (Cardiology) Mamta Jain Sanjaykumar Patel
3. Agape Physicians
6769 Lake Woodlands Drive, Ste. E, The Woodlands 281-210-1200 www.agapephysicians.com
Family Practice Peter Bigler Erika Brito Goodson
Pediatrics Jerissa Belsha
4. Alden Health Center
7901 Research Forest Drive, Ste. 1400, The Woodlands 281-296-5000
Family Practice Luis Diaz
5. All About Women Obstetrics and Gynecology
17183 I-45 S., Ste. 410, The Woodlands (Starting June 19) 281-602-7380 www.allaboutwomenobgyn.net
Obstetrics and Gynecology Jennifer Huebner Andrea Richter-Werning Katherine Sullivan Tara Winkelmann
6. Arbor Health Center
1111 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 190, The Woodlands 281-305-0725
Internal Medicine Julio Rivera
7. Cathy Hart Family Medicine
19221 I-45 S., Ste. 400, Shenandoah 832-585-0095 www.hartfamilymedicine.com
Family Medicine Cathy Hart
8. Center for Digestive Disease
129 Vision Park Blvd., Ste. 307, Shenandoah 936-321-5440 www.woodlandsgastroenterology.com
Internal Medicine Peter Kvapil Shail Maheshwari Ralph Pearce Apurve Vari
9. Michael Y. Chang, Family Practice
3115 College Park Drive, Ste. 107, The Woodlands 936-321-6787
Family Practice Lin Wang
10. College Park Medicine
3115 College Park Drive, Ste. 106, The Woodlands 936-271-2555 www.collegeparkmedicine.com
Family Practice Christopher Chapman Pamela O’Connor
11. Paul Decker, Family Practice
17521 St. Lukes Way, Ste. 170, The Woodlands 936-447-9452 www.drpauldecker.com
Family Practice Paul Decker
12. Ike Eni, Internal Medicine
9319 Pinecroft Drive, Ste. 120, The Woodlands 936-321-1946 www.doctoreni.com
Internal Medicine Ike Eni Heather Matthews
13. Family Medicine at Sterling Ridge
10110 Woodlands Parkway, Ste. 100, The Woodlands 281-419-6565 www.drabusharr.com
Family Practice Raja Abusharr
14. Family Medicine Clinic and Women’s Health
9303 Pinecroft Drive, Ste. 340, The Woodlands 281-681-0616 www.drzufari.com
Family Practice Mohammad El Zufari
15. Focus MD
150 Pine Forest Drive, Ste. 702, Shenandoah 713-955-2343 www.focus-md.com
Pediatrics Manaf Ahmad
16. Forest Pediatrics
3115 College Park Drive, Ste. 104, Conroe 936-321-5030 www.forestpediatrics.com
Pediatrics Trecia L. Elahee White Murray B. Fershtman Katie Leonard
17. High Tech Family Care
920 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 450, The Woodlands 281-364-1700 www.htechfamily.com
Family Practice Shazia Billal
18. Hometown Pediatrics
1595 Lake Front Circle, The Woodlands 281-292-8980 www.hometownpediatrics.com
Pediatrics Kristie R. Chandler Tony John Sarah Moore Mona Shihadeh-Smith
19. IKP Family Medicine
17350 St. Lukes Way, Ste. 430, The Woodlands 281-587-1700 www.ikpfamilymedicine.com
Family Practice Timothy Irvine Rohit Kashyap Alejandra Palmeros-Irvine
20. Interfaith Community Clinic
101 Pine Manor Drive, Oak Ridge North 281-364-7889 www.interfaithcommunityclinic.org
Family Practice, Gynecology, Pediatrics Jack Lesch
21. Kelsey-Seybold Clinic- The Woodlands
106 Vision Park Blvd., Shenandoah 713-442-1800 www.kelsey-seybold.com/woodlands
Family Practice Harjaneet Bedi Leonardo Espitia Nisha Sidhwani
Internal Medicine Bret McAden Tony Nguyen Jeanene Smith Alison Urey
Pediatrics Sadiya Jamal Sophie Lung Teresa Romero Asma Siddiqui
22. Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Woodlands OB/GYN
Medical Arts Center I, 17198 St. Lukes Way, Ste. 540, The Woodlands 713-442-1900 www.kelsey-seybold.com/woodlands
Obstetrics and Gynecology Jennifer Breazeale H. Alan Chang Carol Collins (gynecology only) Christina Frome Michelle Hanes Jesus Samaniego Tiffany Tracy
23. Rajnikant Kushwaha, internal Medicine
150 Pine Forest Drive, Ste. 604, Shenandoah 936-273-4666
24. Patricia E. Laden, Obstetrics and Gynecology
17198 St. Lukes Way, Ste. 250, The Woodlands 936-321-8221
25. Legacy Primary Care Clinic
111 Vision Park Blvd., Ste. 245, Shenandoah 281-364-8787 www.legacypc.net
Family Practice and Internal Medicine Hussamaddin Al-Khadour
26. Balakrishna Mangapuram, Internal Medicine
9004 Forest Crossing Drive, Ste. E, The Woodlands 281-364-6677
27. Marlow Family Care
17350 St. Lukes Way, Ste. 110, The Woodlands 936-321-4800
Family Practice Michael D. Marlow
28. Maternal and Family Clinic
1111 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 230, The Woodlands 281-419-1599
Family Practice Fadi Ghanem
29. Memorial Hermann Medical Group- Imperial Oaks
2115 Rayford Road, Ste. 100, Spring 713-897-7070 www.mhmg.memorialhermann.org
Family Practice Gary Mueck Bhavna Reddy Megha Tewari
30. Memorial Hermann Medical Group, The Woodlands
9305 Pinecroft Drive, Ste. 100, The Woodlands 713-897-7005 www.mhmg.memorialhermann.org
Family Practice Alfred Boyd IV Jeffrey Sweeney
Internal Medicine Altaf Karim
31. Memorial Hermann Medical Group, The Woodlands
9305 Pinecroft Drive, Ste. 101, The Woodlands 713-897-7500 www.mhmg.memorialhermann.org
Internal Medicine Navneet Kainth
Family Medicine Larry Long Monica Martinez
32. Memorial Hermann Medical Group, The Woodlands
9305 Pinecroft Drive, Ste. 300, The Woodlands 713-897-7221
Internal Medicine Dustin Agan Amilcar Avendano Scott Bassett Emma Bryant Gustavo Grieco Hajin Lim Janice Jeansonne
33. Memorial Hermann Medical Group-The Woodlands
9305 Pinecroft Drive, Ste. 302, The Woodlands 713-897-2399 www.mhmg.memorialhermann.org
Internal Medicine Annie Thomas
34. Memorial Hermann Medical Group-Executive Health The Woodlands
9305 Pinecroft Drive, Ste. 301, The Woodlands 713-897-7625 www.mhmg.memorialhermann.org
Family Practice John Rogers
35. Memorial Hermann Medical Group-Sterling Ridge
10333 Kuykendahl Road, Ste. D, The Woodlands 713-897-7244 www.mhmg.memorialhermann.org
Family Practice Paola Batista Meghan Hunter Staci Bell
36. David Michalak, Family Practice
4840 W. Panther Creek Drive, Ste. 101, The Woodlands 281-367-1720 www.doctormichalak.com
37. Robert Mock, Family Practice
1120 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 380, Shenandoah 281-363-3311 www.doctormock.com
38. Neighborhood Pediatrics
19221 I-45, Ste. 430, Shenandoah 832-813-5743 www.neighborhoodpediatrics.com
Pediatrics Sharon Lucas Rachel McConnell
39. Northside Doctors PA
129 Vision Park Blvd., Ste. 20, Shenandoah 281-719-0483
Internal Medicine Duyen M. Tran
40. Northwest Diagnostic Clinic
8845 Six Pines Drive, Ste. 2, Shenandoah 281-440-5300 www.nwdc.com
Internal Medicine Afua Agyarko Maria Charron Laura Durling William Fridley Denis L. Galindo James Krause Charles Nguyen Amie Sun-Wright
41. Northwoods Pediatric Center
25214 Borough Park Drive, The Woodlands 281-296-7770
Pediatrics Shahzad Islam Nighat Sultana
42. North Woods Family Medicine
17350 St. Lukes Way, Ste. 350, The Woodlands 281-825-3344 www.drcfamilymedicine.com
Family Practice Sachin Chandrasenan
43. Physicians’ Group of The Woodlands
920 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 530, The Woodlands 281-825-4900 www.beenajohnsonmd.com
Family Practice Tim Paschalis
Family Practice and Internal Medicine David S. Cos
44. Premier Women’s Care
920 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 530, The Woodlands 281-825-4900 www.beenajohnsonmd.com
Obstetrics and Gynecology Beena Johnson
45. Raul Antonio Rojas, Obstetrics and Gynecology
920 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 580, The Woodlands 281-419-9968
46. Nihal Siddiqui, Family Practice
9004 Forest Crossing Drive, Ste. B, The Woodlands 281-364-1960
47. Tom Sloan, Internal Medicine
1120 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 100, The Woodlands 281-363-2266 www.tomsloanmd.com
48. Step Pediatrics
4800 W. Panther Creek Drive, Ste. 100, The Woodlands 281-364-8600 www.steppediatrics.com
Pediatrics Ryan Kozak Joan Purcell Krystal Wilson
49. Texas Children’s Pediatrics
1011 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 100, The Woodlands 281-296-1099 www.texaschildrens pediatrics.org/locations/texaschildrens-pediatrics-donaldleass-md
Pediatrics Donald L. Leass Laurie L. McKillip
50. Texas Children’s Pediatrics-Medical Plaza
1011 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 220, The Woodlands 281-296-9119 www.texaschildrenspediatrics.org/medical-plaza
Pediatrics Samreen Farook Krista Formica Bernadette Haggerty Abbas Kapasi Swati Pande Richard Vadala
51. Texas Children’s Pediatrics-Sterling Ridge
6707 Sterling Ridge Drive, Ste. A, The Woodlands 281-296-2656 www.texaschildrenspediatrics.org/sterling-ridge
Pediatrics Tracie Butler Anu McDonald Susan O‘Neil William Nix Susan Parkerson
52. Texas Childrens Pediatrics- The Woodlands
17580 I-45 S., Ste. 160, The Woodlands 281-367-5100 texaschildrenspediatrics.org
Pediatrics Natasha Irani Amish Bhakta Roland Flanagan Rose Lapis
53. Village Medical Centers
A. 8000 Research Forest Drive, Ste. 360, The Woodlands
B. 4775 W. Panther Creek Drive, Ste. 345, The Woodlands
281-292-1192 www.villagemedicalcenter.com
Family Practice Jessica Aheron Marlaina Bonnes-Neumann Craig Boudreaux Scott Kahney Thanh Ngo Chris Prihoda Tamara Small Donald Stillwagon John Walker Meredith Young Clifford Yut
Internal Medicine Marlaina Bonnes-Neumann Clifford Yut
54. The Women’s Centre for Well Being
1120 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 200, The Woodlands 832-813-0979 www.drgeads.com
Obstetrics and Gynecology Gregory L. Eads
55. Women’s Healthcare Affiliates
8850 Six Pines Drive, Ste.100, The Woodlands (as of July 5) 281-367-6836 www.wha-obgyn.com
Obstetrics and Gynecology Steven Balati Bryan Behne Blake Berryhill Marco Giannotti Robert Reeves
56. Woodlands Family and Community Medicine
17521 St. Lukes Way, Ste. 190, The Woodlands 281-719-5446 www.woodlandsfamilymedicine.org
Family Practice Brent Allmon Joel Kerschenbaum
57. Woodlands Family Practice
1055 Evergreen Circle, The Woodlands 281-363-3560 www.woodlandsfamilypractice.org
Internal Medicine and Pediatrics David Mabry Matthew Powellson Philbert Yau
58. Woodlands Gynecology & Aesthetics
17350 St. Lukes Way, Ste. 390, The Woodlands 936-273-1600 www.woodlandsmedicalaesthetics.com
Gynecology John Peet
59. Woodlands Internal Medicine
129 Vision Park Blvd., Ste. 300, Shenandoah 936-271-5400
Internal Medicine Seshasree Marupudi
60. Village Medical Centers
150 Pine Forest Drive, Ste. 703, Shenandoah 936-273-2016 www.woodlandsinternists.com
Family Practice Veronica Buganhagen Chris Sparkman
Internal Medicine Nadeem Jamil
61. Woodlands OB/GYN
1001 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 280, The Woodlands 281-363-4445 www.woodlandsobgyn.com
Obstetrics and Gynecology Jon Rawson
62. Woodlands Wellness Centers
2829 Technology Forest Blvd., Ste. 140, The Woodlands 281-362-0014 www.woodlandswellness.com
Family Practice Sakina Davis
63.Woodlands OB/GYN
1001 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste. 280, The Woodlands 832-663-6367 www.woodlandswomenscare.com
Obstetrics and Gynecology Steven M. Strong
The doctors listed in this directory all take appointments and practice medicine in the fields of family practice, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology and pediatrics. This list may not be comprehensive.