In the 2020-21 school year, The Woodlands Christian Academy has brought its fine arts programs together under its first director of fine arts, Phil Sweger, to coordinate creative programs.

“We have had a solid program in band, theater, art and music for a long time, but we never actually had a devoted director of the arts,” Head of School Julie Ambler said.

The school has held in-person classes this year with masks and social distancing, which allow teachers to work in person with students on projects, but performances have been virtual, she said.

The fine arts department has also added a drum line program this year and will begin a dance program next year.

“We will be offering all types of traditional dance as well as Broadway-style choreography for [our] theater productions” Ambler said.

Fine arts programs are offered to all students, with theater and band available to older grades and chorus, choir and traditional instruments available to all ages.

Under the director’s guidance, students will work together on cooperative endeavors, she said.

“[In a] theater production, art students might design sets, music students provide music, sound tech providing sound ... integrating all the arts to work together ... so that students are beginning to develop skills in early grades and carrying it through high school,” she said.

The Woodlands Christian Academy

5800 Academy Way, The Woodlands
