A variety of artworks in different mediums can be seen hanging along the hallways of The Woodlands High School curated by a student-run art club that gives teenagers a chance to interact with Texas-based artists. Founded in 2011, the The Woodlands High School Art Trust uses funds from the annual homecoming dance as well as donations to build annual collections of art for students to enjoy. Susan Cosculluela, a volunteer board member of the group, said the art trust is completely run by students and has given the school a chance to appreciate a variety of different art forms. “I think it’s a cool thing since a lot of schools have art collections, but what makes us unique is [the art] is student-selected and student-purchased,” Cosculluela said. “We really try to get the students to do as much as they can. They’re certainly very capable." Cosculluela said the art trust is made up of 12-15 students per year, including a president, vice president, secretary and historian. The Woodlands High School Art Trust begins accepting applications for artworks Oct. 1 and accepts work from artists all over Texas. The submissions are then narrowed down to the top 12 to 15 pieces and are voted on by the entire student body. The top choices are then purchased and displayed inside the school. Jenny Lucas, the art trust’s sponsor at The Woodlands High School, said the process of students getting to choose the artworks and work with different artists is what makes the club a great learning experience. “It’s pretty fantastic because [students] get to see all of the different aspects that go into being an independent artist trying to make a living,” Lucas said. “The kids start to see the diversity in the different kinds of art that there is. My favorite part is that they actually share the collection, and they learn about the artwork.” The application deadline for the 2019 art trust selection is Nov. 9. Artists must be a resident of Texas to apply and must be at least 18 years old. Artwork submissions can be made via the art trust's website at