A Spring ISD board of trustees incumbent will face a challenger for Position 6 in the Nov. 5 election.

SISD trustee Carmen Correa will face Patricia A. Bourgeois in the upcoming election. The district’s trustees serve three-year terms, according to board policy.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Patricia Ann Bourgeois

Experience: Former Aldine ISD trustee; National Black Council of School Boards: Southern Region Director

Occupation: substitute teacher

What will make you the best choice for Spring ISD’s board of trustees?

Exemplification of my leadership skills, an unwavering commitment to serve the SISD community, being collaborative with district colleagues and stakeholders, and demonstrating continuous dedication in the pursuit of student success on and off campus will make me the best choice for trustee.

What will your biggest priorities be should you be elected?

Fiscal responsibility: ensuring a balanced budget. Comprehensive literary programs: to guarantee students achieve reading proficiency at each grade level. School safety: in light of the violence across the country on school grounds, I will demand that effective district police protocols are put in place to protect our campuses.

How would you help the district prepare for budget challenges should the Texas Legislature not allocate additional public education funding during the 89th session?

I shall request an audit, examine the inefficiencies in departmental spending, as well as advise the tax office to guarantee all district businesses and property owners are in compliance with mandatory tax remittance to the district.

SISD student enrollment has dropped about 6% in the last decade. How will you help improve student attendance and enrollment at SISD?

That responsibility lies within the role of superintendent. It is the responsibility of a district trustee to maintain oversight of the district's operations only.

Carmen Correa

Experience: Mom, volunteer, current trustee for Spring ISD for the last three years

Occupation: secondary market analyst

What will make you the best choice for Spring ISD’s board of trustees?

I have lived in this district for over 20 years and have/had children and family who attend SISD. Prior to joining as a trustee, I was an active parent volunteer and spent many hours a week in the schools and on special district committees. This experience gives me the …

What will your biggest priorities be should you be elected?

My biggest priorities are: 1) Helping to ensure our dollars are being spent efficiently. 2) Making sure we stay focused on student outcomes and that our spending is having the intended effect.

How would you help the district prepare for budget challenges should the Texas Legislature not allocate additional public education funding during the 89th session?

We are facing the same issues as many districts across the state and in the absence of additional funding, I would help to ensure we are maximizing every dollar we have, creating efficiencies where applicable and being responsible with our spending.

SISD student enrollment has dropped about 6% in the last decade. How will you help improve student attendance and enrollment at SISD?

There are multiple reasons for falling attendance and enrollment and many of those have been out of our control. I will help us focus on what is in our control, which includes raising awareness of the benefits of attending public school and advocating for resources. I will also work to …