The Village Grove subdivision has about 260 single-family homes. It is located north of Broadway Street in Brazoria County and has a community swimming pool.

Median home value: $338,500

Homes on the market*: 2

Homes under contract*: 1

Median annual property taxes: $6,982

Median price per square foot: $144.93

Average days on the market*: 24

*As of Dec. 1

Median build year: 2013

Square footage: 1,421-3,400

Home values: $255,00-$422,00

HOA dues (estimated): $515 annually

Schools: Lawhon Elementary School, Pearland Junior High West, Sablatura Middle School, Pearland High School

Property taxes (in dollars):

City of Pearland: 0.62377

Brazoria County: 0.29111

Pearland ISD: 1.3027

Brazoria County Drainage District No. 4: 0.138

Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 19: 0.27

Brazoria County road and bridge: 0.05

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.6756

Fewer homes were sold in four out of five Pearland and Friendswood ZIP codes in November compared to November 2021.

Meanwhile, the median price of homes sold increased in each ZIP code with 77546 seeing the largest increase.