Median home value: $460,000
Homes on the market*: 0
Homes under contract*: 1
Median annual property taxes: $7,722
Median price per square foot: $166.73
Average days on the market*: 11
Median build year: 1997
Square footage: 2,000-4,000
Home values: $430,000-$600,000
HOA dues (estimated): $550 annually
Schools: Cline Elementary School, Friendswood Junior High School, Windsong Intermediate School, Friendswood High School
*As of Sept. 13
Property taxes (in dollars):
Galveston County: 0.41494
Friendswood: 0.48731
Friendswood ISD: 1.2394
Galveston County Road and Flood District: 0.00956
Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District: 0.132
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.28321
Fewer homes were sold across Pearland and Friendswood ZIP codes in August compared to August 2021 except in ZIP code 77089.
The median price of homes sold increased in each ZIP code as well compared to last year except 77546.