Following a groundbreaking in October 2019, construction on Del Bello Lakes in Manvel began at the start of 2020 and is expected to be complete in 2024 with a total of 448 homes. Today, the neighborhood is less than halfway constructed with 175 homes built.
Del Bello Lakes is Shea Homes’ first development in Texas, and the neighborhood includes homes by Shea Homes along with three other builders: Ashton Woods, Perry Homes and Westin Homes. Across all four builders, Del Bello Lakes homes are priced from $350,000 to $600,000 and range from about 1,800 to 4,600 square feet.
Residents in the community have access to a recreation center with amenities such as an outdoor pool, a splash pad and a playground. There are also stretch stations interspersed along a walking trail system that goes around the neighborhood’s 40 acres of lakes.