Find out how these five transportation projects in The Woodlands area have progressed over the past month.

1. Rayford Road widening
This project will widen Rayford Road from four to six lanes between Lazy Lane and the Grand Parkway. A six-lane bridge will be constructed over the railroad tracks, and new traffic signals and a raised median will be added. Construction is underway on the bridge over the railroad. Pavement, curbs and gutters will be added between West Hawthorne and Wild Rose drives. The project will expand the existing bridge between Wild Rose Drive and Aldine Westfield Road.

Timeline: April 2017-summer 2019
Cost: $60 million
Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 3

2. Robinson Road and I-45 intersection improvements
During the Montgomery County Commissioners Court meeting Oct. 24, the court approved an advance funding agreement for a project between the Texas Department of Transportation and Montgomery County for the reconfiguration of the intersection of Robinson Road and I-45, allowing Precinct 3 to begin the design process. The project will convert the Woodlands Parkway-Robinson Road interchange  to a diamond interchange.

Timeline: TBA
Cost: $4.5 million
Funding sources: Montgomery County Precinct 3, TxDOT, Oak Ridge North

3. Research Forest Drive widening
This Montgomery County road bond project will widen Research Forest Drive from two to four lanes from FM 2978 to Alden Bridge Drive. The section from Egypt Lane to FM 2978 has been completed, and construction on the remaining portion of the project—Egypt Lane to Alden Bridge Drive—is expected to be finished by the first quarter of 2018.

Timeline: May 2016-first quarter 2018
Cost: $8 million
Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 2

4. Woodlands Parkway widening
The project will add an additional lane to both the westbound and eastbound sides of Woodlands Parkway from I-45 to Grogan’s Mill Road. The project was  awarded to Triple B Services by the Montgomery County Commissioners Court. Officials are working on utility adjustments.

Timeline: February 2018-TBA
Cost: TBA
Funding source: Montgomery County Precinct 2

5. David Memorial Drive extension
This project will extend David Memorial Drive from Shenandoah Park Drive to Hwy. 242. (5A) Phase 1, which begins at Shenandoah Park Drive and ends south of the Sam Moon Center was completed in late May. (5B) Phase 2, which will extend David Memorial Drive to the Shenandoah city limit, is in the design phase.

Timeline: October 2016-May 2017 (Phase 1), TBA (Phase 2)
Cost: $2.3 million
Funding source: Shenandoah Municipal Development District