Build-out year: N/A
Number of homes: 4,601
Square footage: median 2,909
Home values: $168,000–$749,000
HOA dues (estimated): $1,010
Amenities: parks, lakes, greenbelts, gymnasiums, fitness room, swimming pool, playground, tennis courts, athletic fields
Property taxes:
- Fort Bend County Drainage - $0.0190
- Fort Bend County General FND - $0.4808
- Fort Bend ISD - $1.3400
- Fort Bend LID 7 - $0.2050
- Fort Bend MUD 111 - $0.3000
- Total (per $100 value)$ - 2.35
Homes on the Market (As of Nov. 20, 2013)
- No. of homes for sale - 11
- No. of homes under contract - 19
- Average days on the market - 39
Annual home sales (Nov 1, 2012 - Oct. 31, 2013)
- No. of homes sold - 184
- Square footage (low/high) - 1,201/5,725
- Selling Price (low/high) - $168,000/$749,000