Oak Ridge North City Council will receive a draft of the city's comprehensive plan at a council meeting June 3, as the city prepares for a second public hearing and fine tunes the plan before the council's approval and 2014 budget planning later this summer.

The most recent draft of the plan will be presented at a council meeting at 7 p.m. June 3 at City Hall at 27424 Robinson Road by Jim Carrillo, vice president for Halff & Associates, a consultant which helped compile the plan over the last year. City Manager Vicky Rudy said the council meeting was originally planned for May 29, but was cancelled and moved to Monday due to a public posting error.

Rudy said not much will be changed from the initiatives presented at the most recent public meeting on April 23. Plan initiatives already include the rerouting of Robinson Road, the creation of a town center, additional studies, infrastructure improvements and possibly new parks and pathways.

However, the updated plan will likely include the possibility of a diverging diamond interchange at the intersection of I-45, Robinson Road and Woodlands Parkway. Rudy said the diverging diamond is a unique design which would force eastbound and westbound traffic to the left side of Robinson Road and Woodlands Parkway to provide motorists a designated lane to enter the I-45 feeder.

The Robinson Road realignment and diverging diamond interchange are not guaranteed to happen, Rudy said, but will be recommended by the city as part of the ongoing South Montgomery County Mobility Plan with Montgomery County and the Houston-Galveston Area Council.

The city council will also receive engineering updates on the city's ongoing sewer rehabilitation, I-45 waterline improvements, Water Plant No. 1 modifications and Oak Ridge North Commerce Park Phase II. Council will discuss the timeline for the annexation of property within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction, the schedule for the 2014 budget process and receive an update on the construction of the Grand Parkway.

For more information on the Oak Ridge North comprehensive plan, check out the upcoming Woodlands edition of Community Impact Newspaper, in homes June 13. For more information on Oak Ridge North, go to the city's website at www.oakridgenorth.com.