Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
* An asterisk designates the incumbent.

Steve Toth*
Current state representative and member of Texas House Appropriations Committee
Small-business owner with roughly a dozen employees
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you the best candidate for District 15?
Over the past 20 years, Republicans have seen candidate after candidate claim to be the second [coming] of Ronald Reagan, only to get elected and fall in with the Austin lobby and work against the wishes of the people who elected them. My record as (No. 1 Conservative-Rice University ... )
If elected, what would your legislative priorities be for District 15 in the next session?
As a member of the Appropriations Committee I added $18 billion towards lowering our local property tax burden from 66% to 49.98%. We still have a long way to go next session. Texas property tax are out of line with the rest of America. We can and must do better.
What issues regarding public education in Texas do you think will be important in the Legislature in the next session?
First, we must fully fund public education while offering parental choice for kids in failed schools. Opponents of school choice also killed substantial pay raises for our teachers. Second, while teacher pay is important, it ranks third for the reason teachers are leaving for other opportunities. The No. 1 reason is violence …
Do you think further property tax reform is needed in the state, and if so, how would you approach it?
Absolutely. If Texas restrained spending to population adjusted for inflation, our current revenue growth could eliminate 65% of our property taxes in eight years leaving Texas with the lowest property taxes in the U.S.
What specific needs do you see in District 15 and how would you help to address them?
With crime rates rising across Texas due to [President] Biden’s open border crisis we must keep residents safe. This is why I initiated the development of a Special Response Plan to ensure law enforcement worked together seamlessly to rapidly stop any school shooter or other threat. Recent, I passed a $23.7 million ...

Skeeter Hubert
Business and education leader; financial and insurance professional; 25 years community service in The Woodlands area
Financial services
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you the best candidate for District 15?
I am the only candidate in the race with extensive professional experience in the business, education, financial, and agriculture sectors. We need a more community-oriented, business-savvy representative in District 15. I am that person. I have the endorsements of 10 current elected leaders, representing three municipalities in District 15.
If elected, what would your legislative priorities be for District 15 in the next session?
Secure the border and stop illegal immigration; provide long-term property tax relief; increase transparency and accountability in governance.
What issues regarding public education in Texas do you think will be important in the Legislature in the next session?
School finance in public education will be front and center. Fully funding public education, providing teacher raises to recruit, retain and reward teachers as well as continuing discussion about school vouchers.
Do you think further property tax reform is needed in the state, and if so, how would you approach it?
Further property tax reform is needed. We must change and simplify the education funding formula in a way that takes the tax burden off property owners and places it on the entire community, to pay into the system that provides education to all students.
What specific needs do you see in District 15 and how would you help to address them?
We need more well paying high skilled jobs in District 15. As outlined in [House Bill] 5, I will work with the Economic Development Partnership and local municipalities to fully utilize the company relocation enticement that would benefit our community by bringing in well paying high-skilled jobs.