To accommodate Junior High School No. 16, which is opening next school year, the Katy ISD board of trustees voted on new attendance boundaries. At the Dec. 17 meeting the board approved Option 1, which relocates some students from Seven Lakes and WoodCreek junior high schools to No. 16, but it also shuffles students among Tays, Wood Creek, Seven Lakes and Beck junior high schools while keeping Beckendorff Junior High School as is. Option 1 was recommended to the board at its Dec. 10 meeting by district administration and its demographer, Population and Survey Analysts. Three options were presented in June to the district by Population and Survey Analysts to relieve WoodCreek, Tays and Seven Lakes junior high schools and accommodate No. 16. However, results from a parent survey, which were presented to the board at its Dec. 10 meeting, found the preferred boundary change was Option 3, which rezones students from WoodCreek and Seven Lakes junior high schools to No. 16. Meanwhile, Cinco Ranch, Beck and Beckendorff junior high schools would remain as is. Shelby McIntosh, K12 Insight vice president of client success, presented these results to the board Dec. 10 and described Option 3 as the minimal approach of the three. In a press release the district provided a statement explaining why it chose Option 1 rather than Option 3 as preferred by the community. “Based on the survey data alone, Option #3 received the most support, while Option #1 ranked as a close second," the press release states. "After careful consideration by the board and district administration, Option #1 was determined to be the best anticipated long-term solution for balancing enrollment in the southwest quadrant. Option #3 would eventually cause WoodCreek Junior High to be overcapacity by the year 2020, while Tays Junior High would see limited relief and remain well overcapacity.” Additionally at the Dec. 17 meeting, the board authorized Ken Gregorski—the acting superintendent who was nominated as the lone candidate as superintendent—to form a committee to propose a name for No. 16. Elisabeth Brodt will be No. 16’s first principal, and she was approved by the board at its Nov. 12 meeting. Brodt has been working for KISD since 2001, according to a November press release. Most recently she was the associate principal of Seven Lakes High School.