Katy ISD announced a new program that will help parents navigate different resources to support students’ emotional and academic well-being in an Aug. 27 press release. In a presentation to the board of trustees at an Aug. 20 work study meeting, KISD Chief Academic Officer Christine Caskey told trustees the district’s new Legacy Parent Academy will launch this school year. “We have developed this series of informational sessions specifically geared toward parents in helping them to support their children throughout their experiences in Katy ISD,” Caskey said. Caskey said the academy will help provide information on topics that impact students districtwide and supplement other campus-based programs and initiatives. Caskey said the academy will supplement district programs, not replace them. The academy will focus on two goals: One is based on emotional and social well-being of students, and the other is geared toward academics. “We know that when students lack emotional support they typically do not perform as well in school, oftentimes resulting in negative impacts both academically and behaviorally,” Caskey said. “Focusing on positive emotional supports and empathy we hope to engage parents in strategies and solutions that will create healthier and safer learning environments for our students.” Eleven sessions are planned to be held throughout the school year at Legacy Stadium. Caskey said topics for the sessions were developed with community partners, and that future topics will be determined by reaching out to the community to reassess students needs. Some of the sessions include mental health services in Texas and human trafficking, and those will be presented with the district’s police department. One of the sessions, “Is it mean? Is it rude? Is it bullying?” will be presented in partnership with the district’s new bullying prevention coordinator.  “Our next steps include developing a presence on our district and campus websites as well as engaging and extending communication outreach efforts to inform our parents of the Legacy Parent Academy and the process for registering for the sessions,” Caskey said. After trustee Dawn Champagne questioned how parents who could not attend the sessions in person have access to the information, Caskey said her team will try and see about filming the sessions and posting them online. The first session, “Emotional Well-being and Referral Processes,” is set for 6-8 p.m. Sept. 12 at Legacy Stadium. Social-emotional learning sessions: • "Emotional Well-being and Referral Processes" • "Mental Health Services in Texas" • "My Childhood Addiction—Parenting in a Digital Age" • "Is It Mean? Is It Rude? Is It Bullying?" • Human Trafficking Academic sessions: • College & Career Night • Military Academies Night • Financial Information Academy • "Understanding High School Credits, GPA and Class Rank" • "Transitioning from Elementary to Junior High School" • "College Prep 101 for Parents" Find more information on the new program and when session dates are scheduled here.