Multiple projects on the city of Katy’s parks and recreation system have been completed since its Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan was adopted in October, Katy Parks Director Kevin Browne said.

Those include multiple projects at Katy City Park, such as a new monument at the entryway to the Play Station playground; overhaul renovations to the tennis and basketball courts; and installation of the new fitness court, which will conclude by the end of January, Browne said.

Repairs and renovations have also been competed at Woodsland Park and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Park, including a repainted gazebo, picnic pavilions and restroom buildings.

The parks master plan is considered the first segment of the city’s still-unfolding 2040 comprehensive plan, which will map major works for the city over the next 20 years. Browne said eight projects from the parks plan will start and end within 2023 with a minimum cost of $155,000.

The Fussell House, the 3B Learning Center and the parks administration building were approved at the Jan. 9 City Council meeting. Browne said he expects these projects to begin this summer.

Installation of a large shade structure and drainage solutions at Katy's off-leash dog park, located at 5414 Franz Road, are slated for completion in 2023, Browne said. These projects will total $40,000.

Additionally, a play structure at the MKT Depot was unveiled Jan. 14 at the depot’s 125th anniversary event, after approval by Katy City Council on Jan. 9.