Fulshear officials have selected a soccer association partner for Eagle Landing Park as the park nears completion.

The gist

At a Jan. 28 meeting, Fulshear City Council approved HTX Soccer, a nonprofit youth soccer association, as the recognized sports association partner for the soon-to-be-opened $4.69 million Eagle Landing Park. The agreement will last for two years, according to agenda documents.

Eagle Landing Park, located at 4131 Woods Road, will feature full- and youth-size soccer fields, playground equipment, a covered patio area, restroom and concession facilities, and a parking lot. The park is expected to be completed this summer, according to agenda documents.

A closer look

According to agenda documents, HTX Soccer will have priority scheduling of the fields and will be responsible for:
  • Operating its recreational and competitive leagues, including two to three local or regional annual tournaments
  • Field maintenance such as mowing, line painting and waste management
  • Operating the concession stands
Although HTX Soccer will have priority scheduling, the city will reserve two fields at all times for public use, according to agenda documents.

What else?

The council also approved submitting a grant application for Texas Parks and Wildlife’s Recreational Trails grant, which would be used to fund a new trail in Fulshear’s planned Downtown District.

According to agenda documents, potential trail amenities include:
  • Trail-side and trail-head facilities
  • Benches
  • Lighting
  • Exhibitions and educational markers dedicated to Fulshear’s history
What’s next?

If awarded, the city could receive up to $300,000 and will be required to provide a $75,000 match, according to agenda documents. The goal is for the trail to be completed by the fall of 2026.