Houston Community Land Trust
Council members discussed just under $1.1 million in previously approved and allocated funding for the Houston Community Land Trust, which was not spent by the time the last agreement expired in November 2021. Council members passed the item to provide the funding on Feb. 15.
Coalition for the Homeless of Houston
Several items passed as the city closed its largest tent city and opened the Navigation Center—which helps the homeless navigate and find permanent housing—on Feb. 14 at 2903 Jensen Drive in Fifth Ward.
Council members authorized $270,991 of state homeless service funds for the operation of the new center on Feb. 15.
Houston Area Women's Center
On Feb. 8, council members approved the allocation of $15.9 million in funding from the Home Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program to go toward the acquisition of land and construction of a 135-unit development comprising 45 efficiency units and 90 one-bedroom units. The development will be located in District D.
The project—also funded by charitable donations—will cost over $33 million and will house approximately 360 survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
District C Council Member Abbie Kamin said she was sad to see the Montrose location of the Women’s Center close but said she recognized the need for the new project.
In October, officials with the Women’s Center held a press conference to announce expansion plans.
Affordable housing
Also at the Feb. 15 meeting, council members passed a number of initiatives for the creation of affordable housing throughout the city as well as resolutions of support for proposed affordable housing projects to receive 9% Housting Tax Credits through the state program run by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.