In an Oct. 19 release, Conroe Mayor Jody Czajkoski announced the city has begun working with SGR, a recruitment firm based in Keller, to continue its search for a city administrator.

“The City Council and I are seeking someone who is a great communicator, someone with strong, steady leadership and someone who believes in our core purpose of making lives better for the residents and business community,” Czajkoski said in the release.

According to the release, the city administrator is an appointed position by the mayor, and duties include supervising city departments, overseeing services in the community and pursuing the council's policies.

According to previous reporting, former City Administrator Paul Virgadamo Jr. was terminated during an Aug. 11 City Council meeting. On Aug. 17, Conroe appointed City Attorney Gary Scott as the interim city administrator, according to previous Community Impact reporting.

According to the release, the search for a new city administrator is expected to take four months. More information will be posted to SGR's website at