As extreme heat continues to beat down on the Houston area, the Red Cross of Houston is offering tips on how people can protect themselves and avoid heat-related illnesses.

As of press time, heat advisories in Houston issued by the National Weather Service were to remain in effect until 9 p.m. Aug. 9. However, the NWS is projecting high temperatures of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit through Wednesday, Aug. 16.

Infants and children, adults over age 65, people with chronic medical conditions, people who work outside, and athletes are at higher risk for developing heat-related illness, according to an Aug. 4 news release from the Red Cross.

With the heat index greater than 108 degrees due to excessive heat and humidity, Red Cross officials said it’s important to stay safe from illnesses, such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Individuals are advised to follow these heat safety tips from the Red Cross:
  • Drink a lot of fluids, but avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol.
  • Wear loose-fitting, lightweight, light-colored clothing.
  • Check in on family, friends and neighbors who don’t have air conditioning, spend a lot of time alone or are more vulnerable to heat-related illnesses.
  • For those without air conditioning, find locations so stay cool, such as schools, libraries, theaters and malls.
  • Stay indoors, and limit outdoor activities to mornings or evenings.
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