The details
Board managers approved the plan, as required by the Texas Education Agency, at their Feb. 13 meeting.
Officials noted Fondren Middle School is among the 37 district campuses identified for comprehensive support intervention by the TEA.
According to the TEA, Title I campuses, or campuses where at least 40% of its student population is designated as low-income, are identified for comprehensive support intervention if the campus’ Closing the Gaps rating ranks in the bottom 5% of elementary schools, middle schools and high schools within the district.
A closer look
HISD officials noted the targeted improvement plan for Fondren Middle School was approved after the campus was identified to receive comprehensive support intervention last year.
Previously, district officials used official TEA accountability ratings to determine which campuses would be designated for additional support. Because the TEA did not release official accountability ratings last year due to pending litigation, HISD Superintendent Mike Miles said the district used TEA data to assign campus ratings for the 2022-23 school year.
According to TEA and HISD data, Fondren Middle School’s Closing the Gaps ratings fell from 71% in the 2021-22 school year to 50% in the 2022-23 school year.
The Closing the Gaps domain takes into account a school's STAAR performance as well as its federal graduation status, English language proficiency, and college, career and military readiness ratings to calculate its score, according to the TEA.
According to the campuses targeted improvement plan, the following strategies are being implemented at the campus:
- Making data part of an ongoing cycle of instructional improvement
- The use of dedicated learning coaches and teacher apprentices in the classrooms
- Additional professional development, including data-driven instruction workshops and collaborative learning workshops for teachers
- Extended buildings hours outside of the instructional day
- Field trips to allow students to experience new places and cultures
Among the changes implemented at NES campuses include centralized schedules with longer school days, as well as district-approve classroom instruction and lessons.
What’s next
HISD officials said Fondren Middle School has already completed the first step required to exit comprehensive support intervention status with the approval of the campus’ intervention plan.
Officials said the campus will still be required to complete the following steps to exit comprehensive support intervention status:
- Avoid ranking in the bottom 5% of Closing the Gaps ratings among HISD middle schools for two consecutive years
- Achieve a Closing the Gaps score higher than their original identification score by the end of the second year