League City recently converted the intersection of Texas Avenue and Webster Street from a two-way stop to an all-way stop, following a high volume of accidents and driver complaints.

The gist

On March 26, League City completed the installation of two additional stop signs for the intersection’s north and southbound traffic along Texas Avenue.

The city’s decision to install two additional stop signs comes as a result of resident complaints and the fact that there have been nearly 20 accidents at the intersection since 2021, Public Works Manager David Tickell said.

The city installed message boards and flags to alert drivers to the change, which will be in place for at least another few weeks, Tickell said.

The cost

Because the project was entirely executed in-house, the upgrade only cost the city around $1,000 Tickell said.

Who it’s for

League City residents interested in making a complaint or suggestion regarding transportation can email [email protected].