Over four months after adopting a trap-neuter-return, or TNR, program to control its stray cat population, Seabrook officials will discuss the program’s progress at its Aug. 20 City Council meeting.

The details

On April 1, Seabrook created the TNR program to reduce the number of stray cats that are euthanized at the city’s animal shelter.

Community Impact previously reported that the TNR program is a partnership between the city’s animal control works and approved volunteers to trap, spay or neuter and vaccinate stray cats before returning them to the community.

By the numbers

Since April, the group has reached the following goals:
  • Cataloged 38 cats
  • Spayed or neutered 11 cats
  • Rehomed nine cats
  • Not euthanized any cats from the TNR zone
  • Received no calls for nuisance animals since April