With minimal discussion, League City City Council on April 27 approved rezoning about 15 acres of land to make the properties already there conform to the city’s code and make way for similar uses in the area in the future.

About a year ago, the city was approached with an idea to build a business on the south side of West FM 646 and west of Hwy. 3. Staff realized the business would not be allowed without special permissions due to the land being zoned office commercial instead of general commercial, said David Hoover, planning and development director for League City.

Most of the uses within the office commercial-zoned area are nonconforming, meaning the uses are not office commercial buildings. According to a city memo, properties in the area include a gymnasium, warehouse, two single-family homes, an air conditioning business and a ATM kiosk, among others, and the office commercial designation does not match the “character” of the area.

Furthermore, most of the land surrounding this area is already zoned general commercial, Hoover said.

“Staff is requesting the zoning change to allow for a wider range of commercial uses on these parcels and to make the zoning more consistent with existing development,” the memo reads.

The city sent 61 notices to surrounding property owners, and no one objected to the zoning change. League City City Council voted unanimously in favor of the rezoning.