With the council’s approval, the city will buy an excavator, backhoe, Bobcat, seed drill, and hazmat and rescue truck for $230,857; 14 vehicles, 10 of which are replacements and four of which are new, for parks, maintenance, utility and wastewater workers for $462,376; nine replacement and three new vehicles for the fire and police departments for $824,224; various books, audio books and other library materials for $114,975; and police uniforms and gear for $150,000.
The expenses were included in the fiscal year 2019-20 budget.
Council Member Hank Dugie noted that every city department was represented in the audience.
“I guess just by a nod of your head, do we need all this?” he asked the audience.
The city employees nodded.
“Alright, great,” Dugie said.
The council approved the expenses unanimously with two council members absent.
The council on Nov. 5 also approved adjusting the speed limit of Calder Road from Turner Street to Ervin Street from 30 mph to 35 mph. The stretch of road is just over 1 mile long.The city conducted a traffic study in late August and determined about 85% of motorists along this stretch of Calder Road travel between 41 and 42 mph.
Calder is considered a collector road in the city’s master mobility plan, and collector roads are to be 35 mph. The speed limit for Calder was originally set to 30 mph because it was narrow and undeveloped, but recent construction on the road allowed the speed limit to increase, according to a city memo to the council.