Reaction Fitness & Self-defense in Grapevine is partnering with the Grapevine Police Department in order to raise awareness about abduction and human trafficking in Texas as part of its grand opening celebration.

The event kicks off at 10:30 a.m. Jan. 10 with a kids abduction prevention seminar. GPD officers will be present to make identity kits which contain up-to-date photos of the child along with fingerprints and other identifying information.

At noon, an active shooter defense seminar will be presented for adults which teaches participants to "recognize, distract and survive" encounters with armed individuals. The class costs $35; all fees for the class will be donated to charity.

The event also features live music, food and a demonstration from an explosive detection K-9 unit.

Reaction Fitness & Self-defense is located at 445 E. Northwest Hwy, Grapevine.

Call 817-888-1692 for more information.