Town staff and design consultants will conduct a needs assessment for the Prosper Community Library in the coming months as the first step toward preparing a master plan for future growth.

The gist

Prosper Town Council approved a $98,375 contract with design firm 720 Design Inc. to conduct a library needs assessment during an April 30 meeting.

The information gathered will provide a foundation for the library’s future expansion and growth, according to a meeting presentation.

​​Prosper’s library, which inhabits 10,000 square feet and two floors of Town Hall, opened in 2001. This needs assessment will be its first since then, according to meeting documents.

The assessment will include population studies, spacing needs, reader statistics, staffing projections and more gathered through research, a community survey, stakeholder and staff interviews, location tours, and workshops.

More information on the surveys and community input opportunities are expected to be announced in the future.

Original plans for the master-planning process included three separate phases, according to meeting documents:
  • Master-planning summary of needs
  • Programming and concept design for bond preparation
  • Concept development
Town staff determined only the first phase, master-planning summary of needs, is needed for now, according to a meeting presentation. The other two phases can be implemented with a new agreement at a later date if necessary.

Stay tuned

The master-planning process should take around 6-9 months, according to a meeting presentation.

A final draft for the master plan is expected to be presented in December alongside the town’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space master plan, which is in its community input phase.