The gist
The expansion will bring an additional 8 million gallons per day of capacity to the 4 mgd plant, according to a Celina meeting presentation. Celina and Prosper will split the $242.4 million project costs evenly.
Plans for the plant were previously estimated to cost $209.9 million but have been increased to include a $32.5 million interceptor line to accommodate additional flow.
Construction is slated to start in the fall.
“They would like to plan starting at least the preliminary dirt work and drilling piers in August,” Prosper Assistant Town Manager Charles Ewings said.
Two-minute impact
Celina City Council members amended the city’s member contract for an additional 4.125 mgd subscription during an April 9 meeting, bringing the city’s daily capacity to 5.51 mgd.
“This should allow the city to be able to grow to 2030 and beyond without having to worry about oversubscription of capacity issues,” Mayor Ryan Tubbs told Community Impact.
Prosper Town Council members approved a similar amendment for an additional 3 mgd subscription during an April 16 meeting. This brings the town’s daily capacity to 4.125 mgd with 125,000 gallons being provided immediately, according to meeting documents.
Something to note
According to Prosper meeting documents, the Mustang Special Utility District also uses the plant but chose not to participate in the expansion and will not contribute to the costs.
With Celina and Prosper subscribing to 4 mgd and 3 mgd, respectively, of the additional 8 mgd expansion, the leftover 1 million gallons will be left available to any customer to subscribe to in the future, according to meeting documents.