Construction on an approved 2021 bond project is expected to begin soon after Plano City Council approved funding for the work.

Council approved during its continuation of the Dec. 11 meeting over $10.1 million for construction on Fire Station No. 5 that will expand its parking and fire vehicle storage as well as renovate the residential area.

The overview

The contract was awarded to Pogue Construction, which will oversee the construction that is expected to last into 2025. Once completed, the area in terms of square footage for the station will nearly double going from 7,200 square feet to over 13,900 square feet, according to city documents.

As part of the project, the number of bays for vehicles used by the fire department will increase, Plano Director of Engineering Caleb Thornhill said. The work will also include additional parking and revamping of the residential area within Fire Station No. 5.

During the construction, there will also be a temporary relocation of staff housed within the station, Thornhill said.

“This is great because it’s going to allow more equipment [at] that facility,” Mayor John Muns said. “This was one of our older stations, so it’s exciting to see we’re improving it.”

What’s next?

Based on a timeline Thornhill shared, construction is slated to begin in January 2024 and last through April 2025.