1. Plano City Council to discuss road construction and the 2017-18 budget

The Plano City Council will vote on a resolution in support of Collin County’s major road construction efforts Monday evening. Collin County and the Regional Transportation Council are looking to get input from Collin County cities on a list of Limited Access Roadway projects. 7 p.m. Plano Municipal Center, 1520 K Ave., Plano. Find the agenda here. The Council will also have a second meeting on Wednesday to make up for a canceled meeting in July. Among other agenda items, council members will hear presentations about the proposed 2017-18 budget. 5 p.m. Plano Municipal Center, 1520 K Ave., Plano.

2. Check your TxTag statement for errors 

Tolling company TxTag said in the process of working with EZ TAG and TollTag to function throughout Kansas and other states, the transfer of account information caused customers to receive invoices and violations in error. Many customers have complained of erroneous invoices issued through their tollway accounts.

3. Downtown Plano stores to hold 2-day sale

Several downtown Plano boutique stores will be holding a two-day sale July 28 and 29 along 15th Street. The hours of the sale vary depending on each store’s hours. The sale will be take place in each of the participating store’s respective buildings. For a full list of vendors, visit the Historic Downtown Plano website.