What you need to know
The following city facilities will be closed Jan. 1:
- Plano Animal Shelter
- Carpenter Park
- Day Labor Center
- High Point Tennis Center
- Jack Carter Pool (closed for the season)
- Liberty and Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Centers
- Oak Point
- Plano Aquatic Center
- Plano Municipal Center
- Plano Public Libraries
- Sam Johnson Recreation Center
- Texas Pure Products Regional Composting Site and Custer Road Facility
- Carpenter Park, Oak Point, Liberty and Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Centers, open 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- High Point Tennis Center, closed at 5 p.m.
- Pecan Hollow Golf Course, open daylight to dusk
- Plano Public Libraries, closed at 5 p.m.
- Sam Johnson Recreation Center, closed at 5 p.m.
Plano residents may also see their trash and recycling collection impacted by New Year’s Day. Trash collection set for Jan. 1 will occur Jan. 2, and Jan. 2 trash collection will occur Jan. 3.
The city’s weekly yard trimming collections will also resume Jan. 2.