Frisco City Council The 2016–16 Frisco City Council (from left): Tim Nelson, Scott Johnson, Jeff Cheney, Mayor Maher Maso, Mayor Pro Tem Bob Allen, John Keating and Will Sowell.[/caption]

Frisco Council Member John Keating announced July 7 he will run for the Texas House of Representatives District 33 in 2016.

As a result, he will not seek re-election for Frisco City Council next May when his term expires. Keating is currently the mayor pro tem for Frisco.

The announcement comes after current Rep. Scott Johnson, R-Frisco, announced that he will not seek re-election next year.

Keating said he has been a supporter of Turner and was surprised to hear he was not running again.

"I want to follow in Scott Turner's foot steps and continue his agenda for Texas and continue to serve the conservative Republicans in House District 33," he said.

House District 33 covers Rockwall County and parts of Collin County.

Keating has been on Frisco City Council since 2010 and said he is proud of the council's accomplishments in that time, including lowering the tax rate twice and establishing the $5 Billion Mile.

"We've done big boxes smart. We've done office space smart. We've tried to do parking and traffic smart," he said. "I think we've been successful. People are overall happy... We've got a lot of good things going."

On the state level, Keating said some of his top issues include reducing toll roads, eliminating the franchise tax and supporting Second Amendment rights, he said.

"I want to conting being a voice for the hard-working taxpayer," he said.