Founder of Quest Global Benefits
Dr. Rick Redalen is the founder of Quest Global Benefits, an employer insurance program founded to reduce health care costs and address an employer's concern regarding costs as the result of the Affordable Care Act.
Redalen was the CEO and Chief Medical Officer of ExitCare, a medical education software program. Redalen said as one of the founders of ExitCare he was instrumental in guiding and mapping out a strategy allowing ExitCare to become one of the largest medical education software companies.
Redalen has helped people throughout the world for decades, which is why profits generated by QGB are used for humanitarian efforts such as helping to care for the poor and orphaned of the world.
He and his wife, Lori, reside in Colleyville.
How is your medical program different from others?
Quest Global Benefits will provide superior education to employees, which will in turn allow them to better care for themselves and their families. Education is the key to just about everything when it comes to caring for oneself. Many unfortunate outcomes seen in today's health care come as a direct result of lack of knowledge or ability to apply knowledge to their care.
How has your company helped to reduce health care costs?
Right now our company is in its infancy. Much of what we are doing has not been done previously. However, when we look at the different segments of Quest Global Benefits offerings it readily appears that everything we do is aimed at decreasing the price of medical care while continuing to provide excellent health care services to all people using our company and its services.
What benefits does your program provide to employers and their employees?
Quest Global Benefits lowers health care costs for both employers and employees while providing better care. In instances where costs have been exorbitant Quest is able to negotiate lower costs and additionally negotiate payment schedules allowing payment without destroying a family's budget.
How can your program help employers understand the ACA and save money while still providing health care to their employees?
We will do so by fulfilling the needs of the Affordable Care Act. What our program does is provide accountability and lets employers know where they can save money. We will not be regurgitating the Affordable Care Act in more easily understood verbiage. The Affordable Care Act is made up of over 11 million words, which would take the average person reading 200 words per minute putting in eight-hour days, spending 120 days of continual reading to simply read through the material.
Has the ACA hurt or improved the health care industry in your opinion?
That remains to be seen. The health care industry is so fractured and in so much disarray in the United States that anything that happens and hastens its destruction and complete demise will hopefully result in ultimate improvement.