1 Main Street

Major construction on East Main Street from Preston Road to Custer Road continues. The project will replace the existing two-lane asphalt roadway with a divided, six-lane concrete roadway. The project also includes drainage, signals, roadway lighting, landscaping and irrigation.

Construction work is being done in three phases so traffic can travel on the road throughout the process, although open lanes change according to which section of the road is being worked on.

Timeline: Construction is about 35 percent complete and is expected to be finished in summer 2015.

Cost: $29.75 million

Funding sources: Texas Department of Transportation and the city of Frisco

2 Stonebrook Parkway east

Work continues on Stonebrook Parkway from Dallas Parkway to Preston Road. The project is rebuilding Stonebrook Parkway, widening it from four to six lanes. Construction also includes the installation of a 36-inch-wide water transmission line along portions of the Dallas North Tollway and Stonebrook Parkway.

Timeline: Construction is anticipated to be finished by the end of the year.

Cost: $12.12 million

Funding source: City of Frisco

3 Fifth Street

Although Fifth Street is open again to two-way traffic after the completion of the reconstruction project from Main Street to Hickory, the sidewalk project continues. Once complete, sidewalks will run from Stonebrook Parkway to Main Street.

Timeline: Construction is expected to be complete by the end of September.

Cost: $1.7 million

Funding source: City of Frisco

4 College Parkway

A fourth leg of road is being added to the intersection at College Parkway and Coit Road from the Richwoods development. The project also includes a traffic signal modification at the intersection.

Timeline: Construction is expected to be done by September.

Cost: $90,450

Funding source: Richwoods developers

5 Panther Creek Parkway

Panther Creek Parkway between Honey Grove Road and Coit Road remains closed for construction as work continues to add two lanes on the south side of Panther Creek to and including the Coit Road intersection. The project, which began May 1, includes paving and drainage and is being modified to include water and wastewater lines to support nearby development.

Timeline: Construction is expected to be complete by March.

Cost: $900,000

Funding source: City of Frisco

6 Coit Road

The expansion of Coit Road from Main Street to Eldorado Parkway is nearing completion. The project includes replacing the two-lane asphalt roadway with a divided, four-lane concrete roadway as well as paving, drainage, a water transmission line, lighting, landscaping and irrigation.

Timeline: Construction is expected to be complete sometime this summer.

Cost: $7 million

Funding sources: City of Frisco and Collin County

7 Stonebrook Parkway west

Construction on Stonebrook Parkway west of the Dallas North Tollway is ongoing to connect Stonebrook from Fighting Eagles Lane to Longhorn trail.

Timeline: The project is scheduled to be finished in mid- to late spring in 2015.

Cost: $15.75 million

Funding sources: City of Frisco, TxDOT, North Central Texas Council of Governments