Place 6—In Grapevine's Place 6 four-way council race May 10, frontrunners Duff O'Dell and LuAnn Chapman Gatts will head to a runoff June 21. O'Dell earned the most votes in polling May 10 with 1,045 votes, or 41.53 percent. Gatts earned 645 votes, or 26.13 percent. Deverick P. Jordan earned 495 votes, or 20.06 percent and Marc Blum earned 303 votes, or 12.28 percent.
Decided races
Chris Putnam claimed the Colleyville City Council Place 3 seat from incumbent Stan Hall with 1,199 total votes, or 59.95 percent. Shahid Shafi defeated incumbent Martin Schelling for Southlake City Council Place 1 with 1,727 votes in his favor, or 52.02 percent. Gary Fawks won Place 6 with 1,806 votes, or 54.96 percent.
GCISD' Jesse Rodriguez won the Pace 5 2,184 votes, or 54.50 percent. Jorge Rodriguez claimed 2,088 ballots in the Place 7 race, or 52.13 percent of the vote.