Having sold two pieces of property at 7201 Colleyville Blvd. and then rescinded the sale, the Colleyville City Council has kicked the question of what to do now to the city Parks Board.
The properties, which total about 8.1 acres, were sold to a developer several months ago, but taken back after residents showed city officials documents proving it couldn't be sold.
The land was used in 1999 to get a matching grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and was to be held as open space in perpetuity. It sits in a 100-year floodplain.
The developer already had started working on the property. City staff told the council at its April 2 precouncil meeting that city employees are still working to restore the area to its natural state.
The council discussed the pros and cons of designating the property as parkland; replatting as open space; or replatting as part of nearby Kimzey Park before deciding to have the Parks Board look into the options.
Designating it as parkland might require changes to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
City Manager Jennifer Fadden told the council that a parkland designation would trigger a state statute that determines how parkland can be used, and would require approval from more than just the City Council.
Simply designating the land as open space would not require any changes or maintenance, the council was told by staff members.
"If this wouldn't have come up, this dog would have kept sleeping. It doesn't require an action other than locking it down so that these mistakes don't happen in the future," said council member Mike Taylor.