Build-out year: 1987
Number of homes (estimated): 224
Average square footage: 1,608
Home values: $79-$112 (prices per square foot)
HOA dues (estimated): None
Amenities: none
Nearby attractions: Main Street Grapevine, Lake Grapevine, DFW Airport, Gaylord Resort, Great Wolf Lodge.
Property taxes:
- City of Grapevine — 0.3480
- Tarrant County — 0.2640
- Tarrant County College — 0.1490
- Tarrant County Hospital — 0.2279
- Grapevine–Colleyville ISD — 1.3100
- Total (per $100 value) — 2.2989
Grapevine–Colleyville ISD Schools*:
- Silverlake Elementary School, 1301 North Dooley, Grapevine, TX 76051
- Grapevine Middle School, 301 Pony Parkway, Grapevine, TX 76051
- Colleyville Heritage High School, 5401 Heritage Ave., Colleyville, TX 76034
- *Westlake Residents may also choose Westlake Academy Charter School